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28 Sep - 29 Dec

Education  學歷

國立臺北藝術大學 新媒體藝術學系碩士班
元智大學 藝術與設計學系
M.F.A., Department of New Media Art, Taipei National University of The Arts
B.Des., Department of Art and Design, Yuan Ze University

About me 關於我

1991年生,臺中大雅人,國立臺北藝術大學新媒體藝術學系碩士。就讀碩士期間從個人創作轉向藝術史研究與策展實踐,長期關注影像理論、媒體與大眾文化。近期試圖以臺灣作為研究錄像藝術的基地,在全球與在地的動態關係中,與八〇年代臺灣的政治、媒體與文化等背景參照下,描繪出錄像藝術發展的軌跡。曾參與2019年國家文化藝術基金會與臺北市立美術館共同主辦的「CIT19國際論壇暨青年策展工作坊」、2015年台北當代藝術中心主辦的開放策展學校「展覽製作中的七組關係」。評論文章散見於 ARTalks 平台。

Born in Daya, Taichung, in 1991, Chen Wei-Lun holds an M.F.A. from the Department of New Media Art, National Taipei University of the Arts. During his M.F.A. study, Chen made a shift from individual creation to art history studies and curatorial practices with a long-term emphasis on image theories, media, and popular culture. Recently, he endeavors to treat Taiwan as the base for video art studies, depicting trajectories of video art development in the dynamic relationship of global and local with a reference to the contexts of politics, media, and culture in Taiwan in the 1980s. Chen partook in “Curators’ Intensive Taipei 19: International Conference and Workshops” co-organized by the National Culture and Arts Foundation (NCAF) and the Taipei Fine Arts Museum (2019) and the Open Curatorial School “The Seven Relations in Exhibition-Making and Beyond” organized by Taipei Contemporary Art Center (2015). His critiques and essays can be seen on ARTalks.

Curatorial Exhibitions 策展經歷

2023 策展,2023綠島人權藝術季—傾聽裂隙的迴聲,白色恐怖綠島紀念園區(與總策展人蔡明君,策展人蔡秉儒共同策展)
2022 客座策展,明日備忘錄」國際巡迴展—台北城南版,立方計劃空間
2021 策展,是什麼使今天的影像如此不同,如此有魅力?鳳甲美術館
2017 策展, 不可言說的生命印記—媒介考古學有章博物館,板橋(與林裕軒共同策展)
2016 展覽策劃,仙渡莊計畫II:想像的地理中心關渡、八里,臺北(與曾伯豪、蕭凱文共同策劃)

2023  Co-Curator. 2023 Green Island Human Right Festival—Listening to the Overtones of Fissures, Green Island White Terro Memorial Park, Green Island (Curated with Chief  Curator Tsai Ming-Jiun and Co-Curator Tsai Ping-Ju).

2022  Guest curator, Notes for Tomorrow ─ Southern Taipei Version, TheCube Project Space, Taipei

2019  Curator. Repeat, Reverse and Rubbing. Taipei City Arts Promotion  Office, Taipei

2017  Curator. Media Archeology: Idiscribable Mark of life, Art Museum of NTUA, Banqiao (curated with Lin Yu-Hsuan).

             Curator. Division of Reality- 2017 Out Standing Art Exhibition.

2016  Curator. Xanadu Project II: A Place Without Boundaries, Kuandu& Bali (Curated with Tsang Pak-Ho, Xiao Kai-Wen).

︎ weilun.chen1991@gmail.com 
︎ Chen We-Lun 陳韋綸
Chen Wei-Lun © 2024 All Rights Reserved.